Ron and Veronica Blessing, of The Games The Thing fame, have created a new spin-off podcast for Savage Worlds fans like you and me: Smiling Jack's Bar & Grill! In their first episode, Ron and Veronica talk to Savage Worlds brand manager Clint Black, Reality Blurs president Sean Preston, Shaintar: Immortal Legends creator Sean Patrick Fannon, and fellow Savage blogger Norm Hensley about the design philosophy of Savage worlds and why it appeal to gamers. Norm also reviews Reality Blurs' RunePunk setting and Pinnacle's long-awaited Weird War II.
I particularly enjoyed listening to the discussion portion of the podcast. They discussed how the unique nature of Savage Worlds demands a very different approach to game design. I'll take this conversation to heart as I work on my Tékumel Conversion. An excellent start for what hopes to be a fantastic podcast series as well as a resource for all Savages.